When Colorado enacted the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), it included “biometric data that may be processed for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual.” However, the CPA as originally drafted did not cover the personal data of individuals acting in a commercial or employment context. Last week, Colorado amended the CPA to broaden the protections

On March 21, 2023, Virginia’s governor approved Senate Bill 1040, which prohibits an employer from using an employee’s social security number or any derivative as an employee’s identification number. The bill also prohibits including an employee’s social security number or any number derived from the social security number on any identification card or badge.

Responding in part to the nature of the post-COVID-19 remote workplace, NLRB GC Jennifer Abruzzo has released a memo on employers’ use of electronic monitoring and automated management in the workplace. The memo also directs NLRB Regions to submit to the Division of Advice any cases involving intrusive or abusive electronic surveillance and algorithmic management

Over the past several years, there has been a significant increase in the use of dashcam technology. The technology available in the market is quite advanced. As we observed here, these devices can be equipped with geolocation, AI, facial recognition, and other technologies.  Designed primarily to enhance driver safety and fleet management, privacy concerns

For the past few years, California’s comprehensive privacy law known as the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) included an important partial exemption for employees, applicants, and independent contractors (collectively, “workforce members”). The California Privacy Rights Act, which amended the CCPA, extended the exemption through December 31, 2022. While many expected the exemption would be extended,

Co-authors: Nadine C. Abrams and Richard Mrizek 

In a ruling that may have significant impact on the constant influx of biometric privacy suits under the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) in Illinois, the Illinois Supreme Court will soon weigh in on whether claims under Sections 15(b) and (d) of the BIPA, 740 ILCS 14/1, et

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), considered one of the most expansive U.S. privacy laws to date, went into effect on January 1, 2020. The CCPA placed significant limitations on the collection and sale of a consumer’s personal information and provides consumers new and expansive rights with respect to their personal information.

Less than one

The use of smart dashcams and vehicle cameras, including those leveraging AI technology, may trigger the next wave of BIPA litigation, according to two cases filed in Illinois this week.

Enacted in 2008, the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, 740 ILCS 14 et seq. (the “BIPA”), went largely unnoticed until a few years ago

In a groundbreaking move, likely to have significant impact on employee hiring and HR tech, the New York City Council has passed a measure (“the NYC measure”) that bans the use of automated decision-making tools to (1) screen job candidates for employment, or (2) evaluate current employees for promotion, unless the tool has been subject

The leaders of our Wage & Hour Practice, Justin Barnes Jeffrey Brecher and Eric Magnus collaborated with us on this article.

According to reports, Kronos, the cloud-based, HR management service provider, suffered a data incident involving ransomware affecting its information systems. Kronos communicated that it discovered the incident late on Saturday, December 11, 2021,