Over the past several years, if your organization experienced a cyberattack, such as ransomware or a diversion of funds due to a business email compromise (BEC), and you had cyber insurance, you likely were very thankful. However, if you are renewing that policy (or in the cyber insurance market for the first time), you are

The leaders of our Wage & Hour Practice, Justin Barnes Jeffrey Brecher and Eric Magnus collaborated with us on this article.

According to reports, Kronos, the cloud-based, HR management service provider, suffered a data incident involving ransomware affecting its information systems. Kronos communicated that it discovered the incident late on Saturday, December 11, 2021,

It seems more companies are considering whether to purchase or enhance their cyber or data breach insurance coverage. In recent years, these offerings have expanded giving businesses more choice, and perhaps so has the need for such coverage given the explosion of access to and transmission of confidential data. What is interesting about this development is the different

As companies struggle with the risks and exposures related to data breaches, insurance can be an important part of an overall risk management strategy – so long as it is the right insurance.

Insurance carriers are offering products that purport to address this type of risk. Such insurance can be particularly important to businesses for

It’s been around for a while, but could new products in the “cyber-insurance” market help companies focus on this emerging threat known as “information risk”?

The National Journal reports that for many companies online security is not a priority. Tom Risen’s article cites to a Verizon study conducted between 2004 and 2008 (pdf) that determined