Following laws enacted in jurisdictions such as Colorado, New York City, Tennessee, and the state’s own Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act, on August 9, 2024, Illinois’ Governor signed House Bill (HB) 3773, also known as the “Limit Predictive Analytics Use” bill. The bill amends the Illinois Human Rights Act (Act)
Top 10 for 2017 – Happy Data Privacy Day
In honor of Data Privacy Day, we provide the following “Top 10 for 2017.” While the list is by no means exhaustive, it does provide some hot topics for organizations to consider in 2017.
1. Phishing Attacks and Ransomware – Phishing, as the name implies, is the attempt, usually via email, to obtain sensitive or…
Facebook’s “Trending” Section and Human Resources Analytics
According to a recent New York Times article, “Facebook scrambled on Monday to respond to a new and startling line of attack: accusations of political bias.” Slate followed with a report that the online social networking giant became the subject of a United States Senate inquiry, with Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune wanting information about…
Big Data in the Workplace, EEOC Attorney Urges Caution
You may have been reading about how “Big Data” technologies are being used for a variety of purposes, such as making purchase suggestions based on prior buying patterns or staging law enforcement resources based on predictions for where and when crimes are likely to occur. But these technologies also are being used in…
Restaurant Stakeout: A Sign of the Times for Workplace Monitoring?
The last couple of times I passed by the TV to see what the kids were watching, I was surprised not to see Spongebob Squarepants or the Yankee game (Michael and Grace have their separate interests, but they usually can agree on something, at least in the short term). Anyway, they happened to be intently…