Governance, Risk, and Compliance

As the integration of technology in the workplace accelerates, so do the challenges related to privacy, cybersecurity, and the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI). Human resource professionals and in-house counsel must navigate a rapidly evolving landscape of legal and regulatory requirements. This National Privacy Day, it’s crucial to spotlight emerging issues in workplace technology

This month, the New Jersey Attorney General’s office (NJAG) added to nationwide efforts to regulate, or at least clarify the application of existing law, in this case the NJ Law Against Discrimination, N.J.S.A. § 10:5-1 et seq. (LAD), to artificial intelligence technologies. In short, the NJAG’s guidance states:

the LAD applies to algorithmic discrimination

Ask any chief information security officer (CISO), cyber underwriter or risk manager, or cybersecurity attorney about what controls are critical for protecting an organization’s information systems, you’ll likely find multifactor authentication (MFA) at or near the top of every list. Government agencies responsible for helping to protect the U.S. and its information systems and assets

If there is one thing artificial intelligence (AI) systems need is data and lots of it as training AI is essential for achieving success for a given use case. A recent investigation by Australia’s privacy regulator into the country’s largest medical imaging provider, I-MED Radiology Network, illustrates concerns about the use of medical data to

One of our recent posts discussed the uptick in AI risks reported in SEC filings, as analyzed by Arize AI. There, we highlighted the importance of strong governance for mitigating some of these risks, but we didn’t address the specific risks identified in those SEC filings. We discuss them briefly here as they are risks