In a case reflecting the challenges faced by institutions of higher education in trying to prevent violence on campus, a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania declined to dismiss claims against Widener University by a former student under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and the Stored Communications Act (SCA) for accessing the student’s Facebook account without permission.
Business Owner Enjoined from Accessing Co-Owner’s Email
By Jackson Lewis P.C. on
Posted in Workplace Privacy
A Minnesota Court of Appeals panel has affirmed the issuance of a temporary injunction against a co-owner of an LLC blocking him from accessing emails of his partner from the company’s server in the midst of their business dispute. The unpublished decision, Gates v. Wheeler A09-2355 (Minn. App. November 23, 2010), raises some interesting issues…
Keylogging–Jurisdictions at Odds Over Privacy Concerns
By Jason C. Gavejian on
Posted in Monitoring, Workplace Privacy
Keystroke logging (or “keylogging”) is the noting (or logging) of the keys struck on a computer keyboard. Typically, this is done secretly, so the keyboard user is unaware his activities are being monitored.
Several cases throughout the country have examined an employer’s use of keylogging. Recently, the Criminal Court of the City of New York held …