social security numbers

FTC Safeguards Law (and Car Dealerships)

June 9th marked the deadline for financial institutions, including certain non-banking institutions that collect or maintain sensitive customer information (e.g., car dealerships), to implement a comprehensive information security program to comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s updated Safeguards Rule. For additional information, see our post: Reminder: The

On March 21, 2023, Virginia’s governor approved Senate Bill 1040, which prohibits an employer from using an employee’s social security number or any derivative as an employee’s identification number. The bill also prohibits including an employee’s social security number or any number derived from the social security number on any identification card or badge.

On January 1, 2023, Virginia’s Consumer Data Protection Act (CPDA) takes effect. Key features of the CPDA include expansive consumer privacy rights (right to access, right of rectification, right to delete, right to opt-out, right of portability, right against automatic decision making), a broad definition of “personal information”, the inclusion of a “sensitive data” category

During this year, businesses will be hearing a lot about the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) information reporting requirements under Code Sections 6055 and 6056. Information gathering will be critical to successful reporting, and there is one aspect of that information gathering which employers might want to take action on sooner rather than later – collecting

In the face of increasing incidences of and rising public concern regarding identity theft, the California Legislature is considering a bill with new personal information data disclosure requirements for California businesses and a broad definition of what constitutes personal information.

California Assembly Bill 1291, would require businesses who have customer personal information and have

A New York law, effective December 12, 2012, prohibits businesses and other entities from requiring individuals to disclose or furnish their Social Security Numbers for any purpose, subject to certain exceptions.
Continue Reading New York Tightens Protections on Social Security Numbers

Joining the growing number of states which have enacted laws regulating the destruction of records to prevent possible identity theft, the Rhode Island Legislature passed H. 5092 on October 29, 2009. The bill requires businesses and government agencies to completely destroy records containing personal information, or render the personal information unusable, before disposing of records whether