As reported by CNN, a high school principal in Pikesville, Maryland, found his life and career turned upside down when in January a recording suggesting the principal made racially insensitive and antisemitic remarks went viral. The school faced a flood of calls from concerned persons in the district, security was tightened, and the principal
Prohibiting Recording Devices – The Dreaded “Maybe”
By Jason C. Gavejian on
Posted in Photos, Videos and Surveillance, Workplace Privacy
Can we prohibit employees from making audio recordings at work? As advancements in technology continue to increase, and it becomes easier and easier for employees to surreptitiously record conversations, this inquiry is posed by many employers. In fact, we discussed this very question back in 2013. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is perhaps the…
Employee’s Secretly Tape Recording Manager Can Be Protected Activity, a Federal Appellate Court Rules
Posted in Photos, Videos and Surveillance
Disciplining an employee for secretly recording a meeting with a supervisor could violate an employee’s protected concerted activity rights under U.S. labor law.
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