President Barack Obama requested $19 billion in his budget for 2017 to address cybersecurity in the United States, $5 billion more than was budgeted for the current year. Today, he issued an Executive Order that will create a commission within the Department of Commerce to be known as the “Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity.”


About two years ago, President Obama signed an executive order on the date that he delivered his State of the Union address which directed certain federal agencies to develop voluntary standards for achieving cybersecurity. Preparing for his 2015 State of the Union address, Bloomberg and other news outlets are reporting this morning that President Obama

The New York Times recently reported that hackers from China have resumed attacks on U.S. targets, despite efforts by the Obama Administration to curb these intrusions. According to the article and a report by a security company, Mandiant, hackers from China have been behind…

scores of thefts of intellectual property and government documents over the past five