For healthcare providers and health systems covered by the privacy and security regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a breach of unsecured protected health information (PHI) likely triggers obligations to notify affected individuals, the federal Office of Civil Rights (OCR), potentially the media and other entities. The breach also may require
business associates
A Trio of OCR HIPAA Breach Resolutions: Is Your Organization HIPAA Compliant?
Over the past thirty days, the Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) has reached three HIPAA breach resolutions, signaling to organizations that are covered entities and business associates under HIPAA, the importance of instituting basic best practices for data breach prevention and response.
On November 26th, the OCR announced a settlement with Allergy Associations…
Lessons To Be Learned From The Breach Of Nearly 500,000 Individual Health Records Reported In September 2017
A recent report indicates that nearly 500,000 individual health records were breached in September 2017. This figure is taken from the 39 healthcare data breaches involving more than 500 records that were reported to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights in September 2017. Healthcare providers suffered the most breaches with…
Medical Information Worth 10x More Than Credit Card Data On Black Market
When many people think about identity theft and data breaches, they tend to think about credit card data and bank accounts. This makes sense given the large-scale breaches in the news lately. However, Reuters reported last week that medical information is “worth 10 times more than [] credit card number[s] on the black market” a…
OCR Issues Protocol For HIPAA Privacy, Security and Breach Notification Audit Program
As we previously discussed, the Office of Civil Rights (“OCR”) continues to push forward with the HIPAA audits required by the HITECH Act. To this end, the OCR recently posted the protocol which is used to conduct the HIPAA audits on its website.
The HITECH Act requires HHS to provide for periodic audits to…
Reporting a Breach of HIPAA Protected Health Information to HHS
Little more than one month after the HIPAA breach notification regulations became effective (September 23, 2009), covered entities (health care providers, health plans) and their business associates are struggling with the effects of these new rules. Many are asking:
- What is a breach?
- Do we have to notify in all cases, what are the exceptions?