The Washington, D.C. and Chicago offices of the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") filed a lawsuit against the Davis Typewriter Company on August 27, 2012 alleging that the company failed to take appropriate corrective action to prevent sexual harassment by a supervisor who used office surveillance cameras to zoom in on an employee’s breasts and other
Videos and Surveillance
President Obama Issues Executive Order On Cybersecurity
President Obama issues executive order on cybersecurity…
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South Carolina Supreme Court Addresses When Email is Backed-Up Under the Stored Communications Act
Are emails saved in one’s Yahoo! account stored for backup protection under the Stored Communications Act?
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Employee’s Secretly Tape Recording Manager Can Be Protected Activity, a Federal Appellate Court Rules
Posted in Photos, Videos and Surveillance
Disciplining an employee for secretly recording a meeting with a supervisor could violate an employee’s protected concerted activity rights under U.S. labor law.
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