An increasing number of companies have adopted Bring Your Own Device (“BYOD”) programs. Under a BYOD program, companies permit employees to connect their personal devices (e.g. laptops, smartphones, and tablets) to the company’s networks and systems to complete work-related duties. In contrast, under Corporate Owned Personally Enabled (“COPE”) programs, companies purchase and provide devices and
Mobile Device Security: Cloud and Hybrid Build
NIST Publishes Guide to Secure an Organization’s Mobile Devices
By Joshua D. Allen on
Posted in BYOD, Data Security
Just last month, the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), a part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), published guidance for public and private companies to protect mobile devices and help prevent data breaches. The publication, titled “Mobile Device Security: Cloud and Hybrid Build,” is a how to guide for…