Based on recent events, the University of East Anglia likely will agree that data privacy and security requires a comprehensive approach, as data breaches are not limited to incidents involving personal information and identity theft. In fact, the effects of a breach to an organization’s information systems involving confidential company information can be far worse on the organization as a whole than if the breach involved personal information.
Take, for example, a report by The New York Times reporter Lauren Morello concerning a breach involving thousands of emails and documents of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at University of East Anglia. Apparently, hackers obtained and posted on the Internet emails and documents calling into question some of the positions about climate change and global warming held by the CRU. Whatever the truth or perception of the information contained in the posted emails and documents, the CRU surely is in an uncomfortable position of having to defend its statements and address their context.
Last month we reported a data breach involving personal information of a different kind – ethics investigations of members of the United States Congress. Again, while not the kind of personal information that would lead to identity theft, or require notification be sent to the affected individuals, it is the kind of information that could have significant adverse consequences for the institution and the persons affected.
For this reason, organizations need to address "information risk" on an organization-wide basis, making sure that their written information security programs take into account how information of any kind, maintained in any medium by the organization, can, if misused, caused the organization harm. While remedies may be available through the criminal justice system or civil litigation under such laws as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, avoiding the breach in the first place obviously is preferred.